Location Portraiture
Location Portraiture
The image above is a beautiful example of combining a landscape with portrait photography, creating location portraiture, to really enhance the result. This photograph was taken while we were on holiday in Wales last August. We’ve been so busy, we’re only just getting around to editing these pictures! I love the way the little boy in the foreground gives added interest and an element of perspective to the stunning scene of a long, wide beach and lazy surf, with its background of blue, hazy hills. Clearly the beach has seen a lot of traffic – witness the many trails of footprints. But just now, he’s all alone (except for the photographer!), and apparently happy that way.
When we do a portrait shoot, we always aim to do something a little different, after we’ve taken the ‘standard’ shots – also known as the ‘safe’ shots. Of course, it’s then up to you which ones you choose to buy. But we like to offer a wider selection than many photographers would consider posing you for, so you can hang something truly unique on your living-room wall. After all, you’re going to have it there to look at for years or even decades to come. Why settle for the ‘safe’ image?
And in this study, as the child is too silhouetted to be identifiable (unless you know who he is), and the scene is so lovely in itself, it’s an image we could sell to anyone looking for a beach scene for their wall. This makes it truly versatile, as well as deeply evocative of a wonderful, warm, sunny holiday.
This image is available to buy on our TN4Productions landscape gallery page, in a variety of sizes and formats. What better reminder of your favourite beach holiday, than to hang such a gorgeous image where you will see it every day?