Our page on Minds.com
We now have a profile on a new social network, Minds. Minds is still a work-in-progress but I believe that it has great potential to take over from the likes of Facebook and Twitter.
Our profile is https://www.minds.com/Light-Touch.Photography.
The Independent had this to say about Minds:
…The site, Minds.com, has the same basic options as any other social network: users send updates to their followers, who can comment or promote posts that they read. But unlike its competitors it doesn’t aim to make money from gathering data — instead, it encrypts all messages, so that they can’t be read by advertisers or by governments.The app’s other big differentiating feature from other networks is that it rewards people for interacting with posts, by voting, commenting or uploading. Users are given points that can then be exchanged for views, meaning that the posts of active members will be more promoted by the network…. (read more on The Independent)
If you decide to sign up for your own profile on Minds, please tell them that you found out about them here. Thanks 🙂